Time is
flying by these days! I’m pushing to finish up all the Thule 5e stretch goal
projects and make sure our Thule 5e books all get to where they’re supposed to
go. I’m also up to my eyeballs in prepping our next Kickstarter project,
Ultimate Scheme.
Scheme is a Euro-style boardgame I designed a year ago that is now well on its
way into production. Here’s the basic pitch: You’re a sinister genius or secret
organization out to take over the world. You’ve got an ultimate scheme such as
Become a God, Destroy Rock ‘n’ Roll, or Global Chaos. You’ll need to execute
a number of stepping-stone schemes such as nuclear extortion, making a deal
with the devil, or creating a dance craze to pull off your master plan. For you
boardgame nerds out there, it’s basically a “worker walkment” game that’s easy
to learn and hard to master, built around a not-too-terribly-serious theme.
You’ll be hearing more from me about this soon!
Speaking of
fun things from Sasquatch Game Studio, that brings me to this installment of my
adventure collection: the adventure I wrote for the Primeval Thule Campaign
#30: Cavern
of Golden Tears
A couple of
years ago, I had what I thought was a good idea. “Hey Rich,” I asked myself
while driving back and forth to Redmond. “If you could write any game you
wanted, what would that be?” And the answer I came up with was a RPG setting
that brought Clark Ashton Smith’s Hyperborea stories to life for today’s
D&D and Pathfinder fans. So I invited my good friends (and former WotC
colleagues) Dave Noonan and Steve Schubert to join my little cabal, and
Sasquatch Game Studio was born.
Along the
way, the initial concept of Primeval Thule—basically, the subgenre of fantasy
that I like to think of as “fantastic horror”—broadened a bit to absorb
influences such as Conan, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Pellucidar, and pulpy
sword and sorcery stories in general. Much as the old Dark Sun setting captured
“desert” sword-and-sandals adventure, we decided to build the 21st-century
d20 setting that could capture lost worlds, barbarians, thieves, and a little
dash of Lovecraftian horror. In my opinion, a game or setting should meet the
“you know it when you see it” test, and I think Primeval Thule holds its savage
head high in that regard.
We also decided
to try out the experiment of seeing what happened when you created one IP
(intellectual property) and supported it with multiple game systems. We
initially built Thule for Pathfinder, the new 13th Age game, and the
4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons system license – and just this
month, we’re bringing out a 5e version of the setting. So if this sort of thing interests you, check out DriveThruRPG for the pdf version, or ask your FLGS to see about ordering it for you!
Okay, on to
the adventure part of this whole thing. We wanted to make sure Primeval Thule
was playable “out of the box” so we made room in the outline for several short
adventures. Mine was Cavern of Golden
Tears, my best take on a pulpy sword-and-sorcery tale complete with hostile
natives, a lost city, and a sinister priest of Set who’s out to beat you to the
prize. It’s all about capturing a memorable hook—a hidden ruin where a dead
king weeps tears of gold—and presenting it as if you were playing through a
Conan story.
As it turned
out, I used my design draft of Cavern several times as a playtest/demo of
Primeval Thule—I ran it at PaizoCon, GenCon, and once or twice in private
settings. At the time I felt it was a good taste of what the setting was about,
and I’m lazy enough to fall back on “What have I already written?” when I’m
looking around for a scenario to run. I also put together a fun group of pregen
PCs for the convention games, including the ranger Zargon the Deadly, Marresh
the thief of Quodeth, and Isko Yhoun, the Atlantean wizard. (In one game
session I killed Zargon dead in a single round of combat when he failed to note
the approach of a saber-tooth tiger. Heh.)
Is Cavern of
Golden Tears any good? I’d have to leave that to the readers. As I’m getting
close to the end of this retrospective series, I’m naturally drawing closer to
things I worked on quite recently, so it’s harder to get a sense of what other
people think about something as compared to what I think about something.
Cavern of Golden Tears really isn’t that old yet, and hasn’t been played by all
that many people. But I think it’s a fun little one- or two-session expedition
into the jungles of Thule, and I hope that the folks who have seen it enjoyed
the trip!
Next Time:
Princes of the Apocalypse.